In the realm of science, scientific discovery, education, curiosity and exploration, paths don’t lead always to finite endings, and they often don’t end where you thought they would. Our new logo, with the play on the collective nature of ants, is symbolic of the unity we seek to create. By posing questions to both society and scientists, we can start the conversation. Where are we going? Where have we been? What unexpected developments have helped reconnect people, places, and ideas that we care about?
Suzanne Daigle’s New Book: ‘Open Space on the Open Road – A Love Story’
Suzanne Daigle has just come out with her book ‘Open Space on the Open Road: A Love Story’ (, causing us to reminisce about our formative years. Tobias Mayer – educator, facilitator, consultant – connected Suzanne and me in ReImagine Science’s (then Yámana Science & Technology) formative months, leading to a rich and rewarding [...]