Institutions are searching for a fundamental change in the systems of science, on a broad scale. A fundamental aspect of our work is to find emergent practices that have been proven in other sectors, and to introduce them to the community of science.
ReImagine Science uses learning processes within our network to generate insights, systemic clarity, and new actions. These are some of the tools we use to reimagine how science can create a more integrated and connected world. Interested in becoming one of our partners for change? Send us an email!
A framework for systemic awareness and changeReImagine Science has hosted u.lab science hubs since 2016
u.lab journeys with the Presencing Institute
Third Space
It's not work, it's not home, it's where we gather to createReImagine Science hosts these interactive dialogs within academic and social groups to access self-awareness and profound change in short time-frames
Context determines pathways to systemic changeDavid Snowden’s Cynefin framework allows our work to adapt to context
Liberating Structures
Unleashing the brilliance of the individual and the wisdom of the groupScience UnSummits
Unconference style summits for the future of scienceOpen Space Technology
Creating spaces that deepen our understanding of issues and opportunitiesReImagine Science uses Open Space Technology convening principles for much of our work